Coordination and Subordination

Coordination “ IMRaD stands for Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, And, Discussion, and was outlined by environmental scientists Nair and Nair, as well as the Carnegie Mellon University.” This works because it connects two sentences together, without making one idea more important than the other.  These two sentences are related to one another, but aren’t … [More…]

Paragraph Revision Assignment

Original: A large part of scientific Discourse is the formatting of scientific papers.  One of the “things” that Gee mentions is Practices or Activities. These practices are “socially recognized and institutionally or culturally supported endeavor(s) that usually involves sequencing or combining actions in certain specified ways” (Gee, 32).  In saying this, Gee is saying that … [More…]

Revision Plan Assignment

I have been working well with Gee’s concepts, and connecting them to Haas, Nair, and the IMRaD cheat sheet.  I do need to work on more in depth explanations and connecting two quotes together, but the connections themselves are there. I am doing a good job organizing my essay.  It’s working well because the organization … [More…]

Homework due October 9

A large part of scientific Discourse is the formatting of scientific papers.  Gee states that “whenever we speak or write, we often … construct or build seven things …  In turn, since we use language to build these seven things, a discourse analyst can ask seven different questions a out any piece of language-in-use” (Gee, … [More…]

Annotation Homework for October 4

Relationship: connects to Gee’s first passage about Discourse. Relationship: connects Gee’s writing to both the IMRAD cheat sheet and to Nair and Nair. Connect: tells the author to connect to outside sources; you can’t have a scientific paper without outside input. Understanding: why this format is so popular is because journals require this format in … [More…]

Building Task Homework for October 4

Significance “Results are where the findings and outcomes of the research go.  When talking about this data, we can think of the results as having two parts: report and comment.  The reporting function always appears in the results section while the comment function can go in the discussion section.  Make sure all tables and figures … [More…]

Haas Reading Questions 1

Haas is saying that the scientists have to know and be able to effectively communicate with them.  She says, “scientists adjust the strength of their claims depending on the audience” (Haas 44).  She is saying that, depending on the audience, the scientist changes the strength of the language and the depth of the explanation based … [More…]

Haas Reading Evidence

Understanding: understanding her text to text connection Draw Relationships: connect Gee to Haas Understanding, extending: understanding what Haas wrote, as well as taking it a little further Question: questioning Haas’s point Extend: connect to Gee’s writing ENG110J

Two Barclay’s Formula Paragraphs – September 25

Gee and Cuddy also have opposing views on the actual being of Discourse.  In his article, Gee states that “someone cannot engage in a Discourse in a less than fluent manner” (Gee, 9).  Here, he is saying that people can either be a part of a Discourse, or not at all, there is no faking, … [More…]

Agree/Disagree/Sort of

Gee’s definition of Discourse is extremely useful because it sheds light on the very basics of human interaction and communication.  He says, “what is important is … saying (writing) – doing – being – valuing – believing.”  I agree with Gee’s idea here because this is the very basis for how people go about communicating. … [More…]