Revision Planning

  • Most of my concerns about my draft are about my wording.  I tend to ramble a bit while writing, so my essay doesn’t flow as well as I would like.  With my rambling, it is also difficult to tell my main points with all of the extra language and punctuation.
  • My peers liked my organization and how I planned out the points that I wrote about.  Reegan said, “I liked how you kind of broke Discourse up into a few different sections and conquered them that way, it was a unique approach.”  My approach to the paper was one that was different than what she had expected, and it helped to draw more attention to what I was talking about.
  • I worked most with Gee’s writings.  His writing was easier for me to incorporate into my writing, and even though I did include Cuddy, there was a larger presence for Gee in the writing.
  • My biggest challenges were connecting my point to Gee and Cuddy’s points, and that I was excessively wordy.
  • I need to connect Gee and Cuddy’s points back to my own in clear, concise ways, instead of rambling on and adding way more words than necessary.