Annotation Evidence

“Each is different – you don’t talk to different groups the same way”  This is a note commenting on something that Gee said, expanding to his words.  Basically, Gee is saying that in each situation, we adapt different ways of communicating with each other for each different situation.

  1. “Comes with experience/practice” This annotation was an agreement with Gee’s statement on teaching people linguistics and learning to be a linguist.  He’s saying that the best we can do is teach others linguistics, but they have to do the work for being a linguist on their own.  Basically, a linguist is passionate about linguistics, and you can’t enforce passion onto someone, they have to be passionate of their own doing.
  2. “The way spoken was incorrect” and “the way delivered was incorrect” These are notes to myself to help understand the point Gee was getting across.  Gee made examples of using the wrong Discourse for a job interview in different ways.  The vernacular can be incorrect, like informal language while in the interview, or the delivery can be incorrect, like making your accomplishments and actions seem less than they were.
  3. These annotations are points that I felt were accentuated in Gee’s writing.  It is in this section that he defines “Discourse” and distinguishes it from “discourse”.  He also states what he believes is the most important part of communication and language.